This week I was able to get an AGL image running in rpi4 with jailhouse in it . The recipe I created on my git can build jailhouse but crashes when certain scripts are called. Need to find the right configuration to stop jailhouse from crashing. Decided to keep the CAN boards away for a few weeks , can boards work but the communication between them isn't yet happening , issues seems to be with the soldering done on them , lockdown in my town results in not being able to bring in more CAN boards for another two weeks. Exams and pressure evals in the past week , havent looked at the recipe in sometime , struggling to get back in the zone. Passed the evals , Simon's feedback was very motivating and I thank him for the support. Things are getting exciting , going to collab with Jakub this month. This is the go to guide for writing a new recipe in YOCTO : https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.6.1/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#new-recipe-writing-a-new-recipe It is a part of the bible , the YOCTO Dev manual.